United Women in Faith

Aldersgate has a very active United Women in Faith group, formerly United Methodist Women, which meets at the church on the second Monday of most months at 1:30 pm. During the winter months, we may have a zoom meeting if the weather makes travel unsafe. Our attendance averages between 15 and 20.
Our monthly meetings have a variety of programs. Members may present a program from the UWF resources or from their personal interests or may arrange for speakers. Every meeting we learn about a social action issue, discuss recent books, have spiritual readings and, of course, enjoy refreshments and fellowship. Our special events through the year usually include a tour of a local organization such as the Center for People in Need, a luncheon for all the women in the church and other guests, and a Women in Mission Sunday where we lead the two worship services.
Several of our members regularly attend the district events and we have been recognized as an outstanding unit by the district because of our programing and support of the local, national and international goals of United Women in Faith.
Several members participate in our Stitcheroos group where they assemble quilts and work on other sewing or knitting projects. Our ladies are interested in the UWF reading program and those selections are sometimes incorporated into our afternoon or evening Aldersgate book clubs. Check our website for more information about these activities.