Life and Legacy Planning

image of a man on a path

Modern life is more complicated than it was for our grandparents, and maybe even our parents. Sometimes we need help with things so we may choose wisely. We could use some assistance in nurturing the legacy we are building with the everyday steps we take towards meeting goals in school, our careers and in retirement. To help us along the way, the Aldersgate Lasting Legacy team will host a series of presentations at the Aldersgate sanctuary on various topics. Details follow below.

These presentations will be live-streamed. We do hope you will join us in person so you may enjoy the light refreshments that will be served. Most speakers plan to bring handouts, so please attend in person if you’re able. This is your chance to ask experts questions in person!

Please invite your adult children to attend with you. You are welcome to bring a friend, your cousin, or a neighbor, too! We look forward to seeing one and all!  

Life and Legacy Planning Lecture Series

Attorneys Lorrie Benson and Andrew Louden will discuss how to gather the details of your life (including your digital footprint) so your family/estate executors can take care of your affairs.

If you missed the lecture, you can view the recording on our YouTube channel:
Jeannine Bryant, owner of SRS Changing Spaces, will help us determine if we’re living in a space that’s right for us along with how to let go of ‘stuff’.
Kristine Roberts and Sharon Schmidt from the Nebraska United Methodist Foundation will let us know what NUMF does and how we might be able to help our own church or other Nebraska UMCs.
D.A. Lienemann, Jr (‘Chip’), a retired CPA, will offer insights on RMDs, QCDs, donor advised funds, and more, and what the tax implications are of each.
Professor Julie Masters will enlighten us on what a death plan is and why it is important to have one. Only Professor Masters can make a death plan lecture interesting and humorous!