Sunday February 4, 2024, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m
Aldersgate United Methodist Church
8320 South Street, Lincoln, NE
The City of Lincoln is seeking residents’ feedback on measures the City could take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as part of the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant program from the Environmental Protection Agency. This planning will qualify the City for federal funding to implement greenhouse gas reduction measures for energy, transportation, waste, and natural solutions.
During the meeting, City of Lincoln Chief Sustainability Officer Kim Morrow will:
- Provide an update on the City of Lincoln’s Climate Action Plan and existing emissions reduction efforts
- Facilitate a discussion about which emission reduction efforts are most important to you, discuss potential social co-benefits, and hear your ideas
- Ask attendees to complete a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Survey
- Share updates on planning for more EV chargers in Lincoln
- Ask questions about the group’s feelings about electric vehicles
- Ask the group’s advice about potential locations for EV chargers
Why We Care?
People often ask how they can help care for God’s people and planet. We just received an invitation to take action in a very pragmatic way, by helping shape the City of Lincoln’s efforts to address climate change. Our invitation comes from Kim Morrow, City of Lincoln Chief Sustainability Officer. Kim will share information about the city’s plans and ask for our feedback and additional ideas, which will help shape which greenhouse gas reduction measures are actually implemented.
Please join us from 4-5 pm, Sunday, February 4 at Aldersgate United Methodist Church (84th and South). See below for all the details. We’d be grateful if you’d alert anyone you think might be interested, include this in your weekend bulletin or announcements, etc. This invitation is especially for the faith community, but of course everyone is welcome.
We know climate change is already impacting the most vulnerable among us, as well as God’s beautiful creation. This is our opportunity as people of faith to demonstrate how important this issue is and to actually make a difference. See you February 4th!
Lorrie Benson, Chair, First-Plymouth Congregational Church Climate Action Team
Rev. David Lux (retired), Saint Paul United Methodist Church
Steven Schafer, Chair, Aldersgate United Methodist Church Board of Trustees
Ken Winston, Executive Director, Nebraska Interfaith Power & Light