The United Women in Faith have several events scheduled this spring.
Two events have already happened with great success.
On April 13, we were invited to provide an information table at the St. Paul UWF’s spring
style show and luncheon highlighting our Aldersgate Garden/Arboretum and promoting
our Tru-Earth products to help save our environment. It was a lovely event and a great
opportunity to promote our endeavor to make the world a better place.
On April 20, we co-hosted the UWF District Spring Event at South Gate UMC. We
supplied the continental breakfast and assisted with serving the luncheon. The program
included a Waverly UWF trio providing music and an enlightening speech by Dr. Marilyn
A very important event is set for May 13 when we will take our program to Legacy
Estates to share with our members who live there as well as other folks who might want
to join us.
Pastor Joseph has a weekly service on Thursdays there so we want to
include these ladies into our unit whenever we are able. Our focus will be “Mothers’
Purse-onalities” since it is the day after Mothers’ Day. We hope all our members will be
able to attend to share this fellowship.
We have begun our planning for Women In Mission Sunday, June 9. Our unit will be
responsible for both services. Glenda Dietrich Moore will be our guest speaker and
other members will be providing readings, ushering and other duties. Please plan to join
Our June 10 UWF meeting program is entitled “Legal Issues women over 60 need to
know”. We will be encouraging anyone interested to attend. The suggestions presented
will be helpful as we face life-changing events as we age and have to make decisions
for ourselves and others.
Other upcoming events the last week in June are the annual Garden Party and Vacation
Bible School for adults and children. There’s always something for everyone at