One of the strengths of the Aldersgate Book Club is providing a wide variety of books for our readers to stretch their reading experiences. Last month our selection was rather lighthearted with our octopus narrator while still having a great storyline. This month’s selection FOUR TREASURES OF THE SKY by Jenny Tinghui Zhang is far from that feeling tone. It is beautifully written historical fiction but we all know that history is not always pleasant. This book starts in 1882 in China with the kidnapping of a thirteen-year-old girl. It follows her journey to America and illuminates the shocking injustices the Chinese in this country suffered in the 1800’s. Her story makes us stop to consider how much of that cruelty and injustice survives today. Since this book was one of the finalists for the One Book, One Lincoln program, a librarian from Lincoln Public Libraries will be leading the discussion for both of our book clubs on September 6 at 1:30 pm on zoom and September 19 at 7:00 pm in person at the church. New attendees are always welcome. Contact the church office if you need the zoom link. Hope you will join us.