In August the United Women in Faith hosted a luncheon and tour of the new Aging Partners. Twenty-three members and friends attended and learned about all this facility has to offer. In September our regular Monday meeting will be replaced by an executive committee meeting but we have others opportunities to interact with one another. We hope you will join us for these upcoming events.
On Thursday, September 7, First United Methodist Women in Faith has invited us to their Guest Night and Salad Supper. The speaker is Kelly Lauer, Executive Director of the White Cane Foundation. The address is 2723 N. 50th and the time is 6:30 pm. If you are interested in attending, please contact Sheila Kellenbarger (402-440-4013 or 402-489-6742) or Shirley Hanley (402-450-3396 or 402-464-7304) by September 4 so that we can respond to First Church.
September 17 is an important day at Aldersgate as we celebrate another Garden Party from 3 pm to 6 pm. We encourage our members to attend this great event. We will have ice cream, activities for all ages, live music by the Lugnuts Ukulele group, our own Lia Havlena and Julie Clopper-Smith and others, information about gardening, recycling and much more. Have a great September!